Business Insolvency and Reconstruction
We bring together the commercial experience of our commercial lawyers and our commercial litigators to advise and represent our clients in matters of corporate insolvency and business financial difficulties.
Included in these legal services are:
- Advising insolvency practitioners on their rights, duties and powers, including in relation to potential or existing litigation
- Advice to secured lenders on their exposure to debtors in financial difficulties
- Asset protection and risk management strategies
- Defence of litigation initiated by insolvency practitioners such as insolvent trading, breach of duty actions and litigation based on guarantees
- Advising creditors on their rights and remedies in connection with defaulting facilities
- Implementation of deeds of arrangement and work-outs for companies in financial difficulties
Contact: Geoffrey Shiff and David Jackson
Practice Areas
- Agriculture and Agribusiness
- Banking and Finance
- Building and Construction
- Business Insolvency & Reconstruction
- Business Services
- Corporate Law and Corporate Governance
- Employment Law
- Entertainment, Media and Communications
- Estate Planning, Wills and Estates
- Intellectual Property Law
- Litigation & Dispute Resolution
- Not for Profits and Charities
- Property Law
- Technology and Telecommunications Law